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Did you know your destiny actually activates when you say YES? It’s true—YES energy creates incredible momentum.


The piece that keeps so many of the women I talk with stuck is that we must go against “common sense” by saying YES, then trusting that the instructions will follow.


And that part is the H-A-R-D part!


Have you heard your divine calling, but you’re unclear how to move forward–stuck in procrastination, fear, overwhelm and confusion?


It doesn’t have to be that way.


In this special tele-event, I’m going to teach you simple tools that allow you to step out of fear and confusion and into clarity and courage so you can live your divine destiny and true purpose…now.


Click here to snag your spot right now.


So, if you are feeling:

- unfulfilled in your life,

- stuck in your business,

- lost in the marketplace,

- unsure how to launch your dream,

- and frustrated with your finances…


…then join ME for this free tele-event and get out of your comfort zone and leap (fearlessly & profitably) into your calling!


- How to find your voice (and use it to build a lucrative, purpose-driven brand empire)

- How to share your vision and message with others in a way that is truly magnetic

- How to get clear and finally start taking forward action (consistently) in your life

- How to shift from overwhelmed and confused to focused and fearless

- How to become a bonafide rock star in your industry so you can impact the masses (even if you’re just getting started and trying to build your brand and name recognition)

- How to dramatically (and quickly) elevate your income (I’ll show you some small tweaks that will make a BIG difference in your finances)

- How to stop chasing lucrative opportunities and simply attract them…


And, I’m going to share with you the #1 MYTH about money, and how you can attract unlimited income, opportunities, clients, peace and joy in you life…now!


I’ll be giving you a sneak peek into this year’s ME University: The Ultimate Branding Bootcamp 2012, and offering some very special, time-sensitive surprises for those who are with ME in-person on the call.



I’m going deeper on this call than ever before!

During this call, you’ll receive loads of tips, mindshifts, advice and my first-hand, from-the-trenches experience in saying YES to my calling again and again over the past 15 years….and how it’s helping others just like you to build LUCRATIVE, purpose-driven brand empires. 


You don’t want to miss out on this life-changing experience.


Just click here for instant RSVP registration.


I can’t wait to speak with you on the call.  Remember, those that show up go up.


Until then…


Choose to live today without limits,

ME // Marshawn Evans

Your Reinvention Strategist & Life Catalyst

P.S. I’ve taught these exact tools to hundreds of clients who have enjoyed enormous success by saying YES to their calling. And now I’m going to teach these principles to you—absolutely FREE—in this complimentary tele-event.


This is your season. Now is your time.

Will I “see” you on the call? 


Just click here for instant RSVP registration.

The Premier Profitable Brand Strategy Resource